Noticeable Website Search Ranking


Nearly every business in existence needs marketing in place to bring in clients that will buy their products or services. The internet is the most important marketing platform for nearly every business nowadays. It’s not just about being found in search results, it about the overall image of a company that is presented online.

The Internet for Marketing

Organic search ranking is how your website comes up in search results for keywords that relate to your company. It could be service keywords like “plumber”, product keywords like “t-shirts”, or content keywords like “how to buy a house”. The ranking of your website in search engine results is the most important part of online advertisign. You want to show up in the highest position possible for these searches otherwise people will not click on your website.

The internet revolves around search engines and the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing are constantly making changes. What we know as the latest with Web 2.0, HTML 5, responsive design, content-driven ranking, and syndicated media will be something different months down the road. Companies are making changes to keep up with these changes and the company who is several steps ahead will be the one that customers see.

Always Engaged SEO

The internet is ever-changing and so are we. The online marketing methods we apply uniquely for our clients revolve around a practice we have coined as Always-Engaged SEO. What this means is that we and our internet systems are constantly working to help your company and website achieve optimum search engine placement. These systems do not violate search engine guidelines, but work with them in a clever way. This methodology helps our clients stand above their competitors, whether they are marketing themselves or using another SEO company.

A Clear Choice with Clarity

Clarity provides a diverse strategy for achieving consistently high search ranking for your website and local listings. We are always steps ahead with our practices, which is why our clients still rank highly trough the storms search engine changes.

Beyond helping you rank highly, Clarity works with business owners to help them understand what marketing is being implemented and why. It’s not just about being seen online, it’s about being chosen by your customers.

SEO Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is SEO?

    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it refers to the process of making a website rank high in search engine results, such as those under Google, Yahoo and Bing. A professional SEO company like Clarity works to achieve a higher ranking for its client’s website by implementing a number of techniques on and off the website.
    There are numerous factors that come into play with search engine optimization and Clarity utilizes as many as possible with each client to achieve high ranking.

  • What can’t a company do SEO on its own?

    Many companies try to do SEO on their own. They perceive it as easy enough to do on their own without “wasting” money. The problem is companies do not have the combination of knowledge, experience, and resources to achieve the optimum results with their work. Yes, they may rank higher after their efforts. Maybe even on the first page of a Google search, but achieving a high enough rank to actually bring in business requires the kind of efforts that only a company like Clarity can provide.

  • Why does Clarity do Online Marketing?

    You may be wondering why an IT company is offering online marketing solutions. It’s not just because every business needs it. There are two reasons:

    1. Internet marketing is our owner’s second profession and obsession. Before Clarity was Clarity, he was marketing businesses around the Sacramento area, exploring the latest in online and local search techniques.

    2. Internet marketing is IT. So much of what is done with marketing online crosses over with what IT professionals do. This combination of IT and marketing know-how creates what we consider to be an unstoppable force in the world of online marketing.

  • What to watch out for with other SEO companies?

    There are number of companies out there that claim to deliver high ranking search results for your website and the best possible experience for your company. We will demystify those for you right here and now by classifying each type of company that is different than us:

    • Pre-Packaged SEO: These companies say they can deliver online presence and ranking for a fixed price. They either recommend a package or let you choose. This sounds good for cost-control, but companies need to understand that each business is unique and requires different techniques and varying levels of effort to achieve
      truly positive results. Plus, what happens when several companies in the same industry buy the same package? Which one will see results?

    • Super-Low SEO Pricing: These types of online marketing companies say they can deliver solid results for a price that’s too good to be true. Sometimes its $49.99, other times its $249.99 and then $99 per month. These companies may deliver a standard website and some higher ranking than you’ve seen before, but any results will not last as their efforts are not customized to your business and your competitors will be doing the same thing or better to outrank you.

    • All-Your-Eggs-in-One-Basket SEO: Some SEO companies state that only one or a couple of online marketing methods are what you need to achieve success. They push only pay-per-click (PPC) or only inbound links. True SEO requires a variety of methods to achieve results and those methods don’t come easy with the ever-changing
      world of search engine algorithms and expanded online competition.

    There are a number of SEO companies out there that will take advantage by performing black hat marketing practices that could get your website taken off search engines or doing very little of the proper methods to get your company ranked. Often any ranking will be temporary as the search engines realize the malpractices being used on your website. This can not only lead to poor performance over time, but it could give your company the black eye with Google and other search engines. For more information about these bad online marketing practices, visit the Bureau of Consumer Protection website on Advertising and Marketing on the internet.

    Clarity has standards so it follows standards. We know that hard work and clever use (not abuse) of SEO practices will give a website ranking. Work with us and you’ll be standing above the rest in search ranking through the multitude of expected changes with the internet.

Learn More

To talk to us about your online marketing needs, call us at (916) 913-9951.

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