Download the remote software by clicking on the button below:

Download Remote Software (Windows)

After downloading, open / run the file.  When it asks to the changes, click Yes.  There will not be a confirmation that the installation finished.  You know the software is installed when you see a yellow 'GoToAssist Customer' shortcut on your Desktop, like shown below.

The next step is providing your computer name to Clarity. To find this, take these steps:

  1. Click the Start Menu
  2. Start typing 'information' on your keyboard
  3. A result should show in the Start Menu search for 'System Information' - click to open this app.
  4. A new window will show with a lot of information. At the right side on the 5th row down there is a field titled 'System Name'.  This is your computer name (a.k.a. network name or device name).  Share this value with Clarity.